Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jabba the Hutt set, Turks upset

The lego the Jabba the hut set is under siege by the turks.
       The Turks have found that the Lego Star Wars set; Jabba the Hutt's Palace  looks a lot like Istanbul's Hagia Sophia monument, a scared place of worship for them.
Though lego replies that the set Jabba's Palace is made after Jabba the Hutt's lair in Star Wars, A Turkish group says it looks way to close, even mocking to the structure of the Hagia Sophia.
       Lego still has not withdrawn the set from stores yet, but they may soon. In this situation the people usually win.  For those type of people who like the Star Wars line of lego may want to buy it soon for this product may soon become extinct.
       The main problem that the Turks have with this lego product is that the "smoking villain Jabba" and multiple weapons are located within this set. Also the fact that you can simulate a fight in it is an issue with the turks. Other sources claim that the villain Jabba the Hutt perpetuates racism and prejudice towards muslim children who play with Legos.

This is a detailed comparison of the mosque and Jabba the Hutt's Palace that the Turks put together to protest the Lego set

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