Sunday, May 24, 2015

Cool Creation of the Week: Lego salt lake temple

     As most of you know i'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
     Recently an article in the news was published about a man who spent 9 years creating a minifigure scale Salt Lake Temple. When my Grandpa (on my Mom's side) showed me this I was inspired to create my own, but in a way smaller scale.
     I got about 9/10ths of the way done, but ran out of bricks. I decided to show it off anyways, and so on mother's day I showed it off to both sides of my family.
     They all really liked it, but my Grandpa (on my Dad's side) said I should finish it, and pointed out some things to fix.
     I went back to work, but again ran out of bricks, so I went to Brick Link.
     I ordered the pieces I needed, and was finally able to complete it.
     A special thanks to Snark Bricks, and to Grumpy Grandpas Bricks, for making ordering the pieces so smooth.

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